We try to process each of your orders with the utmost care. Each order/shipment is thoroughly checked before packaging, so you can be sure that we are sending you exactly what you ordered and in perfect condition. Our shipments are transported only by reputable shipping/courier services. If something has “broken down” in your order and you need to complain about the order, please read our Complaints Procedure…
Complaint Procedure of the Online Store
regulating the complaint conditions between the operator/seller and the customer/buyer (hereinafter referred to as “RP”)
Introductory provisions.
1. The operator (seller) of the online store is Fine ART STUDIO, s.r.o., Strmy vrsok 33, 841 06 Bratislava
2. The customer (buyer) of the online store is any natural or legal person who sends an electronic form with an order for goods.
3. These Complaints Procedures govern the legal relations between the operator and the customer when handling complaints regarding the correctness and quality of goods and services provided by the operator.
4. For the purposes of these Complaints Procedures, a complaint is understood to be a right exercised by the customer from liability for defects in goods or services provided by the customer, which requires a certain remedy or compensation for defective performance or non-performance of the subject of the contract.
Procedure for handling complaints.
1. In accordance with this RP, an authorized person may file a complaint in person, in writing, or by e-mail.
2. The complaint must clearly state in particular:
who is filing the complaint (name, surname, permanent address, e-mail and telephone contact),
the subject of the complaint, or what the customer is seeking,
to whom the complaint is addressed,
the date of filing the complaint,
the customer's signature or the signature of the Authorized Person together with the power of attorney.
3. In the event of filing a complaint by e-mail, fax, or in writing by the Authorized Person on behalf of the customer, the complaint must be accompanied by a power of attorney to represent the customer in the matter of the complaint.
4. If the complaint does not contain the requirements specified in point 2 of this article, it will be considered unauthorized.
5. The deadline for handling the complaint is no more than 30 days from the date of filing the complaint. The Customer shall issue a written document to the Client on the settlement of the complaint.
6. The date of filing a complaint is understood to be the date of filing the complaint by the Customer. The date of filing a complaint is considered to be:
for postal shipments – the date of delivery of the complaint to the Operator’s registered office, including the damaged shipment
for personal delivery – the date on the copy of the complaint, by which the Operator confirms its delivery if it also includes a damaged shipment
for delivery by e-mail – the date of delivery of the e-mail message to the Operator’s e-mail address and the date of delivery of the damaged shipment, with the decisive date being the date of the last event.
7. Damaged, incomplete shipments or delayed delivery must be reported without undue delay, but no later than 5 days from the date the order should have been delivered to the recipient. Complaints can be handled:
by e-mail to: info@oilandia.com
by mail to: Fine ART STUDIO, s.r.o., Strmy vrsok 33, 841 06 Bratislava, Slovakia Rer. Nr.45847762
If you want to complain about the goods or the shipment as damaged, you need to deliver the complained goods/shipment (you can do this only after agreement with us) to the company address: Fine ART STUDIO, s.r.o., Strmy vrsok 33, 841 06 Bratislava, Slovakia
Do not send the goods on delivery under any circumstances. After receiving the goods, we will inform you by phone or e-mail and we will agree with you on a solution to your satisfaction. We will try to resolve each complaint immediately, but no later than within 30 days of submitting the complaint
8. Other legal relationships between the operator and the customer not expressly regulated by these Complaints Procedures will be governed by the relevant provisions of individual contracts concluded between the operator and the customer, the relevant provisions of generally binding legal regulations valid in the territory of the Slovak Republic, in this order.
9. The operator is entitled to change or amend these Complaints Procedures at any time due to changes in legal regulations and the business environment. The operator will determine the current wording of the Complaints Procedures by publishing it on its website.
Return of goods
The customer is entitled to withdraw from the purchase contract within 14 working days of receipt of the goods without giving a reason in accordance with the provisions of Section 12, paragraph 1 of Act No. 108/2000 Coll. on consumer protection in door-to-door sales and mail order sales, as amended. The direct costs of returning the goods are borne by the customer. The customer is obliged to notify the operator of the return of the goods in advance by e-mail or by telephone, stating the invoice number on which the goods were purchased. The funds will be returned to the buyer within 15 days by bank transfer to the account specified by him